AdQuest Image

Identitate, Design de Ambalaj & Web


“Design adds value faster than it adds costs.“ - Thomas C. Gale

The Adquest office welcomes you with lots of positive energy, creativity and passion for well thought-out projects. 

Here you will find a dynamic, young team with a well-developed portfolio and experience you can rely on for original and effective promotional solutions, from corporate identity to packaging design and online presence.

Cristina Ghineț

Founder AdQuest Image

An innovative designer with excellent graphic skills, creative flair and a well-developed sense of colour. Highly organized and able to work within agreed lines with clients, to create compelling, effective and usable graphic concepts.

Geraldine Ghineț

Founder AdQuest Image

A talented and flexible designer able to deliver creative and innovative solutions to clients, with a proven ability to develop complex projects, ensuring that client agreed terms and deadlines are met.

Alexandru Sava

Web Dev & UX / UI Specialist

Combining technical skills and UX/UI principles, I create engaging and intuitive web solutions, transforming designers' visions into effective WordPress sites, enhancing clients' online presence.


A system of rules and recommendations for applying and developing the fundamental visual elements of the brand: visual signature (logo + logo + slogan), colours, fonts, visual attitude and tone.


Strategy is the core of any successful brand. Developing strategy is a step that no brand owner can ignore when launching a new brand or rebranding.


Our mission is to facilitate practical solutions.

To this end, we have developed processes focused on efficiency, taking into account customer goals, budget and deadlines. Creating great ideas is important, but it's the little details that make the difference.


Gain public attention. On-shelf appeal, visual impact, uniqueness, brand identity and flexible design are the primary set of principles behind creating good packaging design.


Do you have a website and want a different design? We provide clients with the highest quality services and experienced specialists for both local and international projects in all fields.


”Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” – Steve Jobs


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În parteneriat cu Federația Română de Automobilism Sportiv (FRAS) și Alexandru Pițigoi, campion renumit în raliuri, Ecologic 3R Ambalaje continuă și în 2024...


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Cool Events

Cool Promotions se remarcă ca un partener de încredere în domeniul designului și producției publicitare, oferind soluții integrate și personalizate pentru comunicarea interactivă...


The need for design, image and promotion services for Natural Essential products led me to call Adquest. At first the young team made me suspicious of the quality of the final services, but as the collaboration with Adquest took shape, the professionalism, creativity and solutions found by the Adquest team made me feel privileged by the choice made.The orientation towards specific needs, the ease of communication and the impeccable services offered by the pleasant Adquest team, made me see them more as a partner in the Natural Essential business, than as a service provider.

Luca Nistor Manager – Natural Essential

Our collaboration with the Adquest team means every time a very good communication, achieved goals and satisfied customers. It all started more than 13 years ago when I was impressed to discover behind their youth, a lot of creativity, artistic sense and talent, complemented by professionalism and seriousness. It is a real pleasure to collaborate together on bold projects, starting from the unique creative ideas of the Adquest team, to the final result, appreciated every time by our clients. I highly recommend it.

Irina Popa Director Vanzari – Poliprod

The collaboration with Adquest was and is exactly right! They were able to translate some ideas into reality, which helped us optimize our costs by over 80% and deliver superior quality material to our customers. The workflow was extra efficient, even if sometimes we needed dozens of reworks. I thank them very much and I am very happy that we finally managed to find a stable and professional partner on the graphic design side.

Adrian Bot Marketing Specialist - Cord Blood Center Romania

We have been working with ADQUEST for over 10 years, during which time they have responded promptly to our requests. They support us, back us, help us to grow in the Romanian market and maintain our leading position in the salt market. ADQUEST certainly has a major contribution in the evolution of our company, the ideas we had have taken shape thanks to their talent and work. We recommend ADQUEST for their success and reliability, for the quality services and affordable prices they offer.

Viorel Iorga Director Comercial - Renaissance Star

Quality management in creativity is no easy task. In the 10 years I've been working with Adquest we've overcome many challenges together, each time with professionalism and dedication on their part. During this time I have learned that if I am willing to listen to their suggestions and follow their guidance I will end up with a far superior result. Their ability to put themselves in the shoes of the end customer surprises me every time, and I think it makes all the difference at times when I am ineffectively stressing out just on my product.

Marius Geru Manager – Thecon

I was impressed by the ability of Adquest’s team to quickly understand our needs and to both come up with original solutions and to adapt to received feedback. There’s always an opportunity to discuss further and there are more options presented every step of the way, which creates the opportunity to work collaboratively and generate new ideas, all this added to a quick turnaround and high quality artwork.

Codrut Ivanescu Manager - VizPrime

Professionalism, promptness, innovation, some of the qualities of the Adquest team. The imagination of this team, has made the joy and joy of Dialar Bookstores to be transmitted to customers, by thinking of an overall vision. Thank you for the quality of the services offered!

Diana Stefan Manager - Dialar Bookshops

Professionalism, promptness and efficiency. Having worked with them, I can say that the Adquest team members fit the above description exactly, and the fact that I trust this team (more than 3 projects) makes me recommend them further with confidence.

Alina Ciurlau Manager – Bromag

Creative, original, attentive to the requirements and needs of customers down to the smallest detail. We are delighted with our collaboration with Adquest, which over time has developed into a solid partnership. We confidently recommend them to all our collaborators whenever we have the opportunity. Thank you Adquest!

Viorica Badea General Manager – Inosoft

A professional team that turns a few ideas into a successful, customised project. Very pleasant interactions, expert advice, exactly what you need to promote a product or a business.

Silvia Tiolan Manager – Prietenii cu Blanita

I highly recommend Adquest for people who need branding, or projects that require boundless imagination and the dedication of skilled people.

Alice Dobrea Manager – Ridal System

The AdQuest team was with us in the realization of a huge project for us: the 2020 product catalogue. They understood our vision from the start and even managed to take it beyond our expectations. We are delighted to have made the decision to work with them and look forward to the next project

Izabela Cojocaru Referent Marketing – GantexCom

I have been working with Geraldine and Aqyest for the last 7 years. She is a very dedicated and hard-working person. She is able to present good creative ideas and designs in a timely manner. She is also very helpful and goes beyond what is required from her. She is part of our team and we can’t do without her!

Cheherazade Cheikh Manager – Inaya Zanzibar

Martens has benefited from Adquest's services for several years. Together we have developed successful projects, both for Martens Romania and for the parent company in Belgium. We appreciate the professionalism and support we found when deadlines were very tight.

Dumitru Ionescu Director Comercial – Martens

The reason why we have been working with the Adquest team for many years is because we are based on the same principles: reliability, creativity and promptness.

Adrian Gavrila Director General – Tipografia Elco


“ Good art inspires; Good design motivates.“ - Otl Aicher
