
Bucătarul - a brand of the Galician company Renaissance Star - offers the public salt packed in containers with a modern and attractive design, easily recognizable on the shelf. In the form of plastic containers of various sizes, or paper bags, Bucătarul salt finds its place on every consumer's table. In the brand design we aimed for an approach that reflects professionalism, quality and simplicity. We have chosen a colour palette that evokes a kitchen atmosphere and elegant, easy-to-read fonts to suggest tradition and refinement, thus emphasising the quality of the product. The logo, which includes a kitchen-related symbol (the chef's hat), is distinctive and recognisable. We have used negative space to avoid clutter and to give the label a clean and well-organised look, and information about the type of salt offered, provenance and any special features is included in a clear and concise manner, giving the product label a clean and well-organised look.

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